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Wilderness characterises the Gesäuse National Park (Copyright Martin Hartmann)

Welcome at Gesäuse National Park

wild water - steep cliffs

The Gesäuse National Park is one of the most beautiful places in Styria. It spreads over 12.000 hectares of land and is home to numerous plant and animal species. While the common sandpiper breeds next to the gravel banks of the rivers Enns and Johnsbach, the pretty feathered pink, an endemite of the northern Limestone Alps, grows on the slopes of the harsh and unapproachable mountains. A unique ecosystem in addition to a huge diversity of habitats is the result of the national park philosophy to not intervene in nature’s doings. Such landscapes have become rare and are particularly valuable.

Our landscape is untamed, wild water and steep rock. The Enns Valley in the Gesäuse forms one of the most impressive gorges in the Eastern Alps with towering rock faces. This accentuated topography and geographical location bring with it a great diversity of species. Nowhere else in Austria are there more endemic species.

We are a national park according to IUCN II criteria, i.e. our main task is the free development of nature (wilderness). The habitats and landscapes are strongly protected and humans are not allowed to interfere. Forestry, gravel mining and the like are prohibited as well. There is only one exception to the rule – alpine pastures.

You can really experience the Gesäuse National Park on foot or by raft on the Enns. There are visitor centres at the Weidendom and in Gstatterboden. Enjoy our themed trails, hike along the numerous marked paths or take part in a guided tour. Tours are available for all requirements, from barrier-free walking trails to the most difficult climbing tours. The most productive way to immerse yourself is to book a National Park Ranger:in as your individual guide.


Experience what?

Our program of events shows you the diversity of Styria's only national park: discover the Gesäuse National Park - from the valley to higher altitudes, from insects to red deer, from orchids to tree personalities!


current weather

Latest update 10.02.2025 – 18:00


-0.4 °C

65  cm

7.2 km/h

Gscheideggkogel Altitude 1788m

Current weather at Gesäuse National Park

View of Hochtor group to Lugauer

Discover more
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Gesäuse National Park Shop

Browse through our shop and let yourself be inspired. Not found the right thing? How about a voucher for a guided ranger tour? You will always find our events and guided tours up to date in our Calendar.

Gesäuse National Park Shop

Neues aus den Nationalparks in Österreich

With the support of Federal Government and European Union.