Kauf der Gesäuse Lodge
Der Kauf der Gesäuse Lodge – wir nennen sie jetzt Nationalpark Gesäuse Lodge – ist für den Nationalpark ein Meilenstein! Der Nationalpark wird aber auch künftig weder als Gastronom noch als Hotelier auftreten. Die Gesäuse Lodge wird vom Pächter des Nationalpark Pavillons, dem Admonter Thomas Nebl, geführt werden. Damit können Synergien zwischen Beherbergung und Gastronomie gefunden und die Wirtschaftlichkeit erhöht werden.
Das gesamte Nationalparkteam freut sich auf eine hervorragende Zusammenarbeit!
Am 13. Dezember feierte das Nationalparkteam den Jahresabschluss, der mit einer anschließenden Weihnachtsfeier im Nationalpark-Pavillon ausklang. Die Veranstaltung begann am Weidendom, von wo aus der Weg zum Pavillon über den Rauchboden mit gruppendynamischen Übungen abwechslungsreich gestaltet wurde. Im Pavillon angekommen, konnte man gutes Essen und die festliche Atmosphäre genießen
Advent in the National Park
Die „Nationalparkhauptstadt“ Gstatterboden war am 30. November und 1. Dezember Austragungsort für den Advent im Nationalpark, der nach längerer Pause dieses Jahr wieder stattfand. Mehr als 1000 Gäste aus nah und fern genossen die winterliche Atmosphäre zwischen Kunsthandwerk, Kulinarik, musikalischen und schulischen Darbietungen. Das Ambiente zwischen den steilen Abhängen der Hochtor-, Reichenstein- und Buchsteingruppe macht diesen Adventmarkt zum besonderen Erlebnis.
Österreichs führende Bildungsfachmesse „Interpädagogica“ gastierte in diesem Jahr in Wien. Vom 07. bis 09. November konnte man sich ein Bild davon machen, wie vielfältig und bunt der Bildungsauftrag in den einzelnen österreichischen Nationalparks umgesetzt wird.
Nahezu zeitgleich, am 09. und 10. November fand die Photo+Adventure am neuen Ausstellungsort Pyramide/Vösendorf statt. Die Nationalpark Fotoschule war mit einem eigenen Stand vertreten und präsentierte ihr vielfältiges Kurs- und Workshop Programm für 2025.
Viel gelernt!
Das Team des Nationalpark Gesäuse besichtigte im Zuge eines Betriebsausflugs den Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald. Wie schaut der Wald aus? Wie präsentieren die Ranger ihren Park? Was tut sich bei den Partnerbetrieben des Nationalparks? Es gab viel zu sehen, zu staunen und zu lernen.
…und die Gemütlichkeit kam auch nicht zu kurz… 😉
Magazin „Im Gseis“
Die Ausgabe Winter 2024 des Nationalpark Magazins „Im Gseis“ ist soeben erschienen. Erhältlich ist es ab sofort online und ab Anfang Oktober kostenlos im Infobüro Admont sowie bei unseren Gesäuse Partnern.
Sie können unser Magazin auch kostenlos abonnieren. Per Mail oder Brief mit Namen und Anschrift bestellbar bei:
Karin Lattacher
Gesäuse National Park GmbH
8913 Weng im Gesäuse 2 k.lattacher@nationalpark-gesaeuse.at
📷: Herbert Wölger
(Un)wetter ab Freitag dem 13. (September)
Etwas ungewöhnlich nach dem verlängerten Hochsommer war ein Schneefall bis ins Tal. Die noch grüne Natur wurde unvorbereitet von einem Wintergruß überrascht. Das Wetter sorgt für eine Zäsur im Besuchsaufkommen. Höhere Lagen sind lawinengefährdet, viele Wege in mittleren Lagen (800-1200 m) sind durch Bruchholz versperrt. In tieferen Lagen hat der Regen das eine oder andere Wegstück mit Schotter überschwemmt. Die Enns schwoll mächtig an, hat aber nicht die Hochwassermarken vergangener Jahre erreicht. Schwierig war die Situation für Singvögel, die nicht nur an der Kälte litten, sondern vor allem nicht genug Nahrung fanden.
Besuch der Bezirksforstinspektion Freistadt
Die Bezirksforstinspektion Freistadt staunte über die schroffen Landschaftsformen im Nationalpark Gesäuse. Anlässlich einer Waldexkursion wurden Themen wie die Waldentwicklung im Nationalpark, Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und Fragen der Wildtiere diskutiert. Mit dabei Bezirkshauptfrau Andrea Wildberger, die BFI-Leiter Andreas Unterberger (Freistadt) und Josef Benak (Liezen), sowie die Förster Horst Hebenstreit, Fabian Ott und Martin Speta.
Nationalpark Pavillon – Gastronomie- Betrieb wieder aufgenommen
Es freut uns sehr, dass die Gastronomie im Nationalpark Pavillon ab nun wieder ihren Betrieb aufgenommen hat. Von Donnerstag bis Sonntag, 11:30 bis 18:30 Uhr, können sich Gäste im Nationalpark Pavillon wieder stärken und ihren Durst stillen.
Die Infostelle und Ausstellungen sind nach wie vor bis Oktober jeden Tag von 10 bis 18 Uhr geöffnet.
Junior Rangers on a great journey
Dydd da Cymru! (Good day Wales)
The Junior Rangers from Gesäuse National Park on a big trip to Wales!
Last week, three junior rangers from the Gesäuse National Park attended the International Junior Ranger Camp in Wales. Melina Hornhofer, Eva Rosa Hackl and Anna Großschartner were officially authorised to represent the National Park and had to prove their weather resistance.
Neue Kooperation: UNI Graz erforscht im Nationalpark Gesäuse Klimawandel und Biodiversität
Die Universität Graz und der Nationalpark Gesäuse schließen eine Kooperation und schaffen ein einzigartiges Freilandlabor. Wetter, Wasserquellen, Wald und Insekten liefern wichtige Daten. Forscher:innen werten diese aus und gewinnen so wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Zukunft unter neuen klimatischen Bedingungen.
Am 9. Juli unterzeichneten Rektor Peter Riedler und NP Geschäftsführer Herbert Wölger im Rahmen einer von Medien begleiteten „Forschungs-Tour“ die neue Kooperation. Dies stellt die Zusammenarbeit zukünftig nicht nur formal, sondern auch bei der Arbeit im Feld auf stabile Beine.
Neue Ausstellung: „La magia dei boschi“
Seit vergangenem Montag ist die Ausstellung „La magia dei boschi- Die Magie der Wälder“ in der Galerie FOKUS der Nationalpark Fotoschule in Admont zu bewundern. Diese gemeinsame Schau der drei Ausnahme-Naturfotografen Gabriele Bano, Paolo Da Pozzo und Willy Di Giulian, möchte die faszinierendsten Aspekte der Wälder von Friaul-Julisch-Venetien ins Bewusstsein rufen. Anhand von sehr persönlichen und unverstellten Bildern wird die ganze Schönheit der Natur durch alle Jahreszeiten hindurch zum Ausdruck gebracht. Die Magie des Lichts, der Farben der flüchtigen Erscheinungen, oder des bewegten Wassers regen zu einem intensiven Einlassen auf diese unberührten Waldgebiete ein, von denen es in Europa leider nur noch wenige gibt.
Die Ausstellung ist vom 01. Juli bis 10. August jeweils Montag bis Freitag 09:00-17:00 Uhr und Samstag vom 10:00-16:00 Uhr, bei freiem Eintritt in der Galerie „Fokus“ in Admont zu sehen.
A-8911 Admont, Hauptstrasse 32
Nationalparks Austria Pressereise
Unter dem Thema „Prozessschutz“ luden Nationalparks Austria von 19. bis 21. Juni zu einer gut nachgefragten Pressereise in die beiden Nationalparks Kalkalpen und Gesäuse. Der Schwerpunkt im Gesäuse lag auf konkreten Forschungsprojekten, die Prozessschutz als Grundlage benötigen. Das ÖKOTEAM Graz präsentierte eine neue Methodik, um das Artenspektrum in den Baumkronen zu dokumentieren. Unter den staunenden Augen der Medienvertreter stieg Simon als Baumsteiger weit ins Kronendach der Himmelstoßtanne im Nahbereich des Weidendoms. Zurück am Boden wurden die gesammelten Proben analysiert…
Tag der offenen Tür- Nationalpark Verwaltung
Viele kennen die atemberaubende Landschaft des Nationalpark Gesäuse. Planspitze, Hochtor, Admonter Reichenstein und Großer Buchstein sind bekannte Wander- und Kletterziele, doch kaum jemand kennt die Räumlichkeiten der Nationalparkverwaltung in Weng. Letzten Freitag hatte man beim „Tag der offenen Tür“ Gelegenheit, das zu ändern.
Neues vom Luchs Trail
Das Luchs Trail Wanderbuch von Franz Sieghartsleitner wurde aktualisiert und neu aufgelegt. Sieghartsleitner ist als Mitarbeiter im Nationalpark Kalkalpen sowohl mit den Luchsen als auch mit dem Wandern bestens vertraut. Somit können wir dieses Sachbuch nur wärmstens empfehlen.
Zwischen 11. und 23. Juni 2024 hat der Luchs Trail den Blues!
Moritz Gamper erwandert sich den Luchs Trail und gibt dabei 10 Konzerte!
Neben seiner Haupttätigkeit als Musiker ist die zweite große Leidenschaft von Moritz das “In – der – Natur – Sein”: Er ist Wildtierökologe in Ausbildung und als passionierter Outdoor – Sportler auch im Fachgeschäft Bergfuchs Wien tätig. Moritz ist also nicht nur ein Vollblutmusiker, sondern auch ein versierter “Bergmensch”, der die wilde Natur von ganzem Herzen liebt. Dies findet man nicht zuletzt in der Ästhetik seiner Kunst wieder.
Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation & Klimajournalismus im Nationalpark
Wie versucht der Nationalpark Gesäuse für Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit und Klima zu sensibilisieren? Welche Kommunikationsstrategien gibt es?
Diese Fragen stellten uns Studierende des Lehrgangs „Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation & Klimajournalismus“ der FH Joanneum Graz bei einem Besuch am vergangenen Wochenende. Dazu gab es einen spannenden Austausch und Führungen in unserer geschützten Natur – denn oft sind es genau solche Erlebnisse, bei denen man Menschen diese Themen am besten näher bringen kann.
Fotoausstellungen eröffnet
In der Galerie „Alte Sägehalle“ in Gstatterboden ist bis Ende Oktober die Ausstellung „Der Bau der Gesäuse-Straße“ zu erleben.
The Galerie FOKUS in Admont zeigt bis Ende Juni „Kostbarkeiten aus dem Ennstal“ und in der Eichelau in Admont präsentieren die beiden Naturfotografen Christine Sonvilla und Marc Graf bis Ende Oktober die Outdoor-Fotoausstellung „Wilde Wälder“.
Natural trails
Ab Mai sind in mehreren österreichischen Nationalparks weniger frequentierte Wanderwege als „naturbelassen“ ausgewiesen, im Gesäuse mehr als 20 km. Am Rand dieser Wege wird in den Baumbestand kaum eingegriffen, abgestorbene Bäume dürfen stehen bleiben und ein besonders naturnaher Zustand bleibt gewahrt. Allerdings ist für Besucher:innen erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit nötig.
Magazine "Im Gseis
Die Ausgabe Sommer 2024 des Nationalpark Magazins „Im Gseis“ ist soeben erschienen. Erhältlich ist es ab sofort online und ab Mitte Mai kostenlos im Infobüro Admont sowie bei unseren Gesäuse Partnern. Diesmal mit dem Sonderthema Wald und Waldentwicklung.
Sie können unser Magazin auch kostenlos abonnieren. Per Mail oder Brief mit Namen und Anschrift bestellbar bei:
Karin Lattacher
Gesäuse National Park GmbH
8913 Weng im Gesäuse 2 k.lattacher@nationalpark-gesaeuse.at
📷: Kathinka Schütt
Youth For Nature beim Steiermark Frühling
Der Steiermark Frühling am Wiener Rathausplatz ist mittlerweile ein Pflichttermin für den Nationalpark Gesäuse. Ein Highlight war die Young Styria Rätselrallye, wo Kinder und Jugendliche auf verschiedenen Stationen Aufgaben zu lösen hatten. Beim Stand des Nationalpark Gesäuse hat sich das von der GRAWE unterstützte Youth For Nature Team etwas ganz Besonderes überlegt: Es galt Frühblüher zu erraten, gerne auch mit digitaler Unterstützung der App iNaturalist. Es herrschte großer Andrang, denn neben den Hauptpreisen wurde dort an alle Teilnehmer:innen Saatgut für den eigenen Garten verteilt.
Eine Stammscheibe, die Geschichten erzählt
Den Blick in die Zukunft können wir nicht bieten. Einen aufklärenden Blick in die Vergangenheit schon. Möglich wird dies durch eine, mittels eines sauberen Schnittes präparierte Stammscheibe einer Fichte aus dem Sulzkarsee. Genau zählen muss man um auf die insgesamt 377 Jahrringe, die durch dendrochronologische Untersuchung ermittelt wurden, zu kommen. Die unterschiedliche Breite dieser Jahrringe ermöglicht den oben angesprochenen Blick in die Vergangenheit.
Bäume produzieren Holz in dem sie mit Hilfe von Sonnenenergie und Wasser CO2 aus der Luft binden. In unseren Breiten wird dieses Holzwachstum im Winterhalbjahr unterbrochen. Dadurch entstehen klar abgegrenzte Wachstumsgrenzen, welche im Querschnitt der Bäume als Jahresringe zu erkennen sind. Je nach Witterungsbedingungen des jeweiligen Jahres fällt ein Jahrring breit oder schmal aus. Der Baum zeichnet seine Umwelteinflüsse also wie in einem Kalender auf. Experten können diese Daten dazu verwenden, um Klimabedingungen in unterschiedlichen Wachstumsperioden des Baumes zu ermitteln. So können diese Daten anhand der vorhandenen Baumscheibe in der Periode 240 n. Chr. bis 617 n. Chr. analysiert werden. Der Baum ist also noch lange vor der Gründung des Stiftes Admont, im Jahr 1074 n. Chr., in den Sulzkarsee gestürzt.
Junior rangers on the hunt for clues
Our Junior Rangers came together for the first time this year on 17 February. After visiting the Planspitze exhibition in the National Park Pavilion, the children braved the rain and set off into the forest in search of tracks. They not only learnt what animal tracks are (tracks, feeding tracks, fur, droppings, etc.), but also which ones belong to which animal. From foxes and woodpeckers to beetles, the Junior Rangers were able to find numerous tracks - because even in winter there is a lot going on in the Gesäuse National Park!
14. 02. 2024
Carnival parade 2024
The Gesäuse National Park team took part in the carnival parade in Admont again this year. Our contribution "Not everyone likes it hot - climate change in the Gseis too" fitted in perfectly with the overall motto of the parade "Carnival of the animals". Traditionally, the evening ended in the packed Admont pubs.
Gesäuse shared taxi 2024
The Gesäuse shared taxi is secured again in 2024.
The shared taxi service is made possible by funding from the Gesäuse Tourism Association, the Gesäuse National Park and the municipalities of Admont, Altenmarkt, Ardning, Landl and St. Gallen.
EasyPark" smartphone app
It is now possible to pay with the free smartphone app "EasyPark" in the car parks of the Admont-Gesäuse car park network. This additional service offers, among other things, the option of extending the parking time if you spontaneously want to stay overnight in a hut. The ticket price increases only minimally by 90 cents (fee paid to EasyPark).
The Gesäuse not only offers suitable conditions for ski mountaineering and snowshoe hiking, but is also the habitat of the rare grouse. In order to enable respectful coexistence between animals and humans on the mountain, we have considered routes where we can disturb capercaillie and co. as little as possible. From now on, these so-called forest-wildlife conservation areas will be visible to you on the usual digital tour planning portals.
More information about ski and snowshoe tours in the Gesäuse National Park can be found here: https://nationalpark-gesaeuse.at/nationalpark-erleben/aktivitaeten/skitouren_und_schneeschuhwandern/erlebnisse
You can read more about ski tour guidance measures here: https://www.alpenverein.at/portal/natur-umwelt/av-naturschutz/besucherlenkung/skitourenlenkung.php
Staff meet at Röthelstein Castle
As beautiful as the Gesäuse National Park was as a place to work during the year, the Knights' Hall in Röthelstein Castle is a wonderful venue for the end-of-year conference. The staff of the national park administration celebrated their successes in 2023 and are ready to continue their commitment to the Gesäuse, nature and visitors in 2024.
New supervisory bodies sworn in
Lukas Stelzl from Department 13 at the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government visited the national park administration to swear in new supervisory bodies on site. Similar to the mountain and nature guards in the rest of the province, national park authorities are responsible for supervisory tasks, monitoring legal regulations and providing information to visitors on a voluntary basis. National park authorities are a kind of national park police force and act directly on behalf of the provincial government, with the national park administration assuming operational control. We wish the new members of the area supervision team much joy and accident-free service.
Continuation of the Gesäuse shared taxi secured for 2024
Between May and October 2024, the Gesäuse shared taxi will once again supplement mobility in the Gesäuse. This is made possible by the taxi companies Thalhuber and Wagner, as well as financial support from the municipalities of Admont, Ardning, Landl and St. Gallen, the tourism association and the national park.
Sincere thanks are due to all those involved. The two taxi companies have been making the shared taxi service possible for 10 years, for which Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler recently thanked them personally.
Advance sales for car park tickets have started
Advance sales for car park tickets have started - the prices remain the same, the offers have been extended.
Annual tickets for guests are available all year round from the information office for 80. In advance (until the end of December) for 40.
If you have your main residence in Admont, Ardning, St. Gallen or Landl, you can purchase a citizen's parking card at your municipal office as usual.
The prices at the car park ticket machines also remain unchanged. You can find more information here.
To exchange experiences in the Berchtesgaden National Park
The colleagues in Berchtesgaden leave their full dynamics in the core area of nature, just like we do in the nature zone of the Gesäuse NP.
In the maintenance zone (1/4 of the area, called the preservation zone in the Gesäuse), active interventions for forest development were greatly reduced. Accompanying research by Prof. Rupert Seidl (TU Munich) shows that the development of economically overdeveloped monocultures into national park forests is by no means improved by the use of the chainsaw. Where the forest does not have to supply timber, but biodiversity and free genetic development are in the foreground, it is better if we leave the saws in the barn and let natural forces prevail. An instructive trip for Lutz Pickenpack, Head of the Styrian Provincial Forests and also Head of the Department of Forest and Wildlife Management in the Gesäuse, for foresters Christopher Fürweger and Stefan Huber, for Alexander Maringer, Head of the Department of Research and Nature Conservation and also National Park Director Herbert Wölger. A big thank you for the personal guidance goes to Roland Baier, Director of the Berchtesgaden National Park and Daniel Müller, Head of SG 4 -Park Management.
Festival on the expansion of the Gesäuse National Park
On 27 October, the Gesäuse National Park celebrated the addition of around 113 hectares of ÖBB land. Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler, Styrian Provincial Councillors Ursula Lackner (Environment) and Simone Schmiedtbauer (Agriculture and Forestry) and ÖBB Infrastructure Director Judith Engel visited us on this occasion. The celebration was accompanied by music from the Admont/Hall, Weng and Johnsbach bands. Numerous guests gathered in the National Park Pavilion to celebrate this expansion in style.
Gesäuse National Park in the Soča Valley
This year's company outing of the Gesäuse National Park took place from 13 to 15 October. With 22 colleagues we went over the Vršič Pass to Trenta, in the middle of the Triglav National Park, the only Slovenian National Park. There we were welcomed by Marco Pretner and guided through the visitor centre "Dom Trenta". After an exchange of experiences and a convivial evening, the next day we went to the Soča spring and into the rear Trenta valley. The afternoon hike took us further downstream, where the turquoise Soča blends ever deeper into the surrounding landscape. The journey home on Sunday was finally over the Predel Pass. A stop in Raibl and the visit to the mining town and the mining museum there concluded a programme full of contrasts. The whole team looks back on an extremely successful excursion, where fun was not neglected either.
The Gesäuse National Park at the "Market of the Future" & "Biodiversity Market
On 7 October 2023, the Gesäuse National Park presented itself at two sustainable and promising "markets" in Styria:
Since 2020, the "Market of the Future" in Graz has made climate culture a multi-layered and exciting space for action - together with stakeholders.
of initiative culture, nature conservation, science, business, civil society and art - with Styria's only national park, the Gesäuse, right in the middle!
At the "Market of Biodiversity" at Tierwelt Herberstein, numerous associations and organisations presented themselves, which are committed to our nature and thus to the protection of our environment.
our livelihoods. Besides our "neighbouring" protected areas, the Dürrenstein Wilderness Area and the Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature Park
the Gesäuse National Park was also represented there. About a pile of deadwood and all the organisms found in it came
our National Park Rangers talked to many interested visitors.
Grazer Wechselseitige on a visit
At the end of September, the "diamond pin holders" of Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung visited us. Among them were General Director Klaus Scheitegel, Board Director Georg Schneider, Board Director Paul Swoboda, Head of Communications Karin Taferner-Bauer and Gernot Prantl, Head of the Admont Customer Centre. Grawe sponsors the National Park Youth Advisory Council "youth for nature" as part of its youth programme "sidebyside". Incidentally, the activities of this committed group of young people have also caught EUROPARC's attention and they have invited them to a large conference next year. Congratulations to "YOUth for Nature" and many thanks to the Grawe for their support.
National Parks Austria Meeting
Every two years, (almost) all staff members of the Austrian national parks meet. On a late summer day in 2023, the time had come again: the national park family came together in Hainburg on the Danube in the Kulturfabrik to exchange ideas, to further educate themselves and, of course, to celebrate. The Hainburg tobacco factory became the Kulturfabrik, power plant plans became the Danube Floodplains National Park. History is not linear and always good for surprises!
C'est la vie.
Magazine "Im Gseis
The Winter 2023 issue of the National Park Magazine "Im Gseis" has just been published. It is now available online and from mid-October free of charge at the information office in Admont and at the information stands of our Gesäuse partners. This time with the special topic lynx.
You can also subscribe to our magazine free of charge. By email or letter with name and address: Karin Lattacher, Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH, 8913 Weng im Gesäuse 2 k.lattacher@nationalpark-gesaeuse.at
📷: Christine Sonvilla & Marc Graf
Xeis Plaster 2023
What do 23 women and men, 8 junior rangers and 6 kayakers have in common on a beautiful September Saturday in the Gesäuse? Guess right, they are doing the annual general clean-up. This means that the main road and large parts of the Enns riverbank are cleared of rubbish. The result: 38 bags of rubbish, 1 bicycle frame, 1 front wheel, 2 drinks crates, 1 ski binding, 1 doll, 1 number plate, 1 miniature toy excavator and 1 bra. And of course, the most bizarre found object was awarded a prize. Afterwards, the entire work team was treated to a delicious vegetarian barbecue by the Youth for Nature team at the Weidendom adventure centre. This is what happened on 2 September 2023.
State Councillor Amon visits the National Park
"Climate protection is one of the most important future issues of our time - which makes it all the more important to anchor nature conservation and the environment as a central educational topic also in regional adult education. That is why it is very important to me that institutions from nature conservation and adult education work together on cooperation possibilities and that the results will be included in the 'Styrian Declaration of Adult Education'," says Provincial Councillor Werner Amon in the course of a meeting of the Styrian Education Network in the Gesäuse National Park.
District hunters visit the National Park
At the invitation of the Liezen District Hunting Office, a delegation of hunting officials headed by District Hunting Master Peter Wiesenbauer visited the Gesäuse National Park. National Park Director Herbert Wölger explained to the hunters how forest and game management in the National Park is designed in consideration of nature conservation goals. The programme also included a tour of the Lettmair Au, the Weidendom adventure centre and, of course, an extensive discussion of the large predators. The exchange with representatives of the forestry and hunting industry is a special concern of the National Park. Our sincere thanks go to Ferdinand Weissensteiner, Hegemeister in St. Gallen, for the excellent organisation.
National Park Radio - Adventure Holidays in the Studio
This time, a total of 17 children aged 8 to 14 took part in the RADIO FREEQUENNS summer programme. Once again, a group from the Admont/National Park Gesäuse broadcasting area took part this year. National Park Radio presenter Andi Hollinger arrived. After a short workshop in which they learned interesting facts about the medium of radio, it was time for the practical part. The enthusiasm and especially the excitement were great when the kids stood in front of an open microphone and mixing desk in the LIVE studio for the first time, because now they had the opportunity to test their moderation skills. Of course, they also selected and announced their favourite music themselves. The programme can be listened to permanently at the following link: https://cba.fro.at/630566
Invasive Aliens Action Days
From 30 July to 6 August, 15 volunteers came to the Gesäuse National Park to fight neophytes. Supported by the Service Civil International (SCI), the international team from Austria, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Mexico helped to eliminate numerous invasive plant species.
Nepalese ambassador on visit
Kancha Gurung not only has an excellent Nepalese restaurant in Vienna (the Yak and Yeti in the 6th district), but is also related to the nature photographer Tashi Ghale from Manang (Nepal, at the foot of Annapurna), whose snow leopard pictures are exhibited in the gallery of the National Park Photo School. Kancha therefore visited the Focus Gallery and immediately brought relatives, friends and even the ambassador of Nepal, Mr. Bharat Kumar.
Thank you for the visit.
Bird markers to protect grouse
The Gesäuse National Park is home to protected grouse species such as capercaillie and black grouse. Suspension cables or overhead power lines at canopy height pose a danger to the birds. Experts therefore recommend making the obstacles visible to the animals.
One of the capercaillie occurrences in the National Park is in the Gstatterboden basin. If you go higher up, you enter the habitat of the black grouse. Both habitats are intersected by the material cableway to the Ennstaler Hütte. In order to prevent possible collisions, we were able to implement the installation of so-called "bird protection markers" in close coordination with the hut keepers and the Steyr Alpine Club. These are flags made of robust plastic, which are clipped onto an auxiliary rope. They are conspicuously coloured and reflect in order to warn birds flying through of the obstacle.
Exhibition "Snow Leopards
Opening of the exhibition of the Nepalese nature photographer and wildlife specialist Tashi R. Ghale.
The FOKUS Gallery in Admont, Hauptstraße 32, is currently hosting an impressive exhibition on what is probably the most impressive animal inhabitant of the highest mountain ranges on earth, the snow leopard.
Native to the high mountains of Central Asia, its habitat covers a vast landscape of more than three million square kilometres. Nevertheless, the snow leopard's population is considered extremely threatened - conflicts with pastoralists, increased exploitation of resources and climate change are at the top of the list.
The exhibition can be visited free of charge (Mon-Sat) until 12 August 2023.
News from the Gesäuse partners
At the Partner Council on 20 June, the "Wilderness Area Dürrenstein-Lassingtal" was accepted into the circle of supporting organisations in order to support the network financially and organisationally in the future.
Three new businesses join the network: Bergvagabund Susanne Posegga will enrich our network in the "Outdoor & Nature Education" sector as a mountain hiking and snowshoe guide in the Gesäuse, Emma Wanderer, Julia Kaufmann will become part of our "Gastronomy & Accommodation" businesses with the first Remote Work Campus in Austria and with Daiana Gruber from Kaufdahoam.at we get another partner in the "Craft & Trade" sector in Admont.
After the partners' council, the group "Silverfuchs" entertained the guests. The band was on a hiking tour along the Lynx Trail and stopped at the Kamper Inn.
MS Self-Help Association in the National Park
During a visit by the Ennstal Multiple Sclerosis Self-Help Association, both our wheelchair traction devices (Swisstracks) and the newly renovated path through the Lettmair Au proved their worth. Ranger Maria Pichler organised a nature-intensive afternoon for the association members and accompanying persons. There are several "easy" tours around the Weidendom adventure centre, along which access to wild nature is possible even for those with limited mobility. To the folder
"Hiking Tour Silverfuchs on the Lynx Trail"
The Silverfuchs group takes on the challenging task of covering the 12,000 metres in altitude and 220 km with their instruments. But that's not all: there is a concert at every stop...
Stage plan for the Silverfuchs hiking tour on the Luchstrail 2023:
Festival of the Wild
For the first time, the Festival of Wilderness took place at the House of Wilderness in Lunz am See on 3 June 2023. The Wilderness Area Dürrenstein-Lassingtal presented itself to the public and invited various nature conservation organisations as co-exhibitors. Both the Gesäuse National Park and the Kalkalpen National Park were happy to accept this invitation and presented joint activities such as the "Lynx Trail" and the "Transnational Park" bike trail. The National Parks Austria photo box rounded off our joint offer.
Public transport in the Gesäuse expanded!
There is good news to report about buses, trains and shared taxis.
Between May and November, the RegioBus lines 910 and 912 between Admont and Altenmarkt run at a higher frequency, the rail connections from Vienna have been adapted to the needs of mountaineers from Friday to Sunday and the Gesäuse shared taxi has been secured again for this year.
Excellent! Steps in the right direction, we think!
Hospice association on a visit
At the invitation and in the company of Ursula Lackner, Provincial Councillor for Nature Conservation, 12 volunteers from a total of 6 regional teams of the Styrian Hospice Association visited the National Park. The excursion was a small thank you from the provincial government for the sacrificial work in the hospice association.
Boat taxi on the Salza
The Salza is Austria's white-water paradise. White water rafting is a one-way affair, so getting to the start or back to the starting point is a bit of a logistical challenge. In 2023 there will again be a "boat taxi" on the Salza.
To the website:
ErratumIn the current "Im Gseis", the print magazine of the Gesäuse National Park, it is reported on page 53 that the boat taxi has been discontinued due to lack of funding. This is not the case! After the magazine went to press, the necessary funds were raised. Too late to correct the article, but early enough for the start of the season on the Salza.
Treasures of the Alpine Flora
At the beginning of May, the exhibition "Treasures of Alpine Flora" opened in the gallery "Alte Sägehalle Gstatterboden". The show features the works of the renowned collection photographers Sebastian Köpcke and Volker Weinhold from Berlin, who have taken up the challenge of documenting the historical herbarium collections of Admont Monastery using modern photographic techniques. The plant specimens of Admont Monastery, some of which are more than 150 years old, go back for the most part to the collecting activities of Father Gabriel Strobl and include a large number of plant species from the region. They are an important resource for scientists and nature lovers alike.
The exhibition can be seen from 1 May to 31 October 2023 in the gallery "Alte Sägehalle" in Gstatterboden. Admission is free.
20. 04. 2023
The output Summer 2023 of the National Park Magazine "Im Gseis" has just been published.
It will be available free of charge from mid-May at the information office in Admont and at the information stands of our Gesäuse partners.
You can also subscribe to our magazine free of charge. By mail or letter with your name and address:
Karin Lattacher, Gesäuse National Park GmbH, 8913 Weng im Gesäuse 2
📷: Leander Khil
Gesäuse Partner Excursion 2023
Mine meets wine
Organised this year by the Steirische Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark, 30 Gesäuse partners were able to take away impressions of southern Austria on the annual excursion. As usual, the excursion started after Easter and was organised in the tried and tested manner by coach operator Toni Wagner, with breakfast provided by the Planitzer family. Thank you for that. The aim of the excursion was to get to know other rural regions and their predicates in terms of sustainable regional development. Thus, the first 1.5 days were spent in the UNESCO Global Geopark Karawanken/Karavanke in Carinthia and Slovenia. Impressions of regional mining history in Slovenia, tourist infrastructure projects at the Petzen ski resort in Bleiburg as well as regional brewery impressions could be taken away. The remaining days were spent in the South Styrian Nature Park around Leibnitz. Projects of the nature park were presented in the nature park centre in Grottenhof and the second evening was spent in the wine museum with tasting in Kitzeck. The various activities concerning the revitalisation of the town centre of Gamlitz on the last day of the excursion were also exciting. Of course, Southern Styria also stands for culinary delights and wine - so there was a cosy exchange with organic wine grower Otto Knaus, as a speciality partner of the local nature park. Due to the weather, the programme had to be flexible, but the regional culinary delights were certainly not neglected. The Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark would like to take this opportunity to thank its partners for their interest and cooperation with the Gesäuse Tourist Board and the Gesäuse National Park.
Text and pictures: Oliver Gulas-Wöhri
Great interest at the National Park Forum 2023
Austria's first golden eagle breeding was the topic at the National Park Forum 2023. Magdalena Kaltenbrunner and Alexander Maringer presented the results of National Park research on the "kings of the air" in the Gesäuse. It is very pleasing to note that a stable population of these birds with regular breeding successes has been recorded in the Gesäuse National Park for years. The report on the equipping of three birds with GPS transmitters was certainly one of the highlights of the evening. National Park Director Herbert Wölger also reported on news from all departments.
The 2023/24 event programme is here!
The current visitor programme starts the season with a variety of different events. From guided tours to special animal and plant species to an extensive holiday programme in summer, there should be something for everyone.
The programme of events complements the comprehensive offers of the National Park Photo School, which also extend throughout the year.
To use the words of the legendary Karl Farkas: Take a look!
Danilo Re Memorial 2023
From 19 to 22 January 2023, the traditional "Danilo Re Memorial" took place, a competition in which rangers from all over the Alpine region compete in four disciplines. This year, our teams went to Cogne in the Grand Paradiso National Park in Italy. Besides the Alpine Buffet, where specialities from all Alpine countries were tasted, and the ranger seminars, where we learned about the challenges other Alpine protected areas have to deal with, the sporting competition was at the centre of the event. Representatives from many Alpine protected areas competed against each other in ski mountaineering, slalom, cross-country skiing and shooting. Unfortunately, we did not win any trophies this year, but we had many interesting encounters with colleagues from Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia and France. The annual event is co-organised by Alparc, the Alpine Network of Protected Areas, and took place for the 27th time. The "Danilo Re Memorial 2024" will take place in the Kalkalpen National Park.
The network of Gesäuse partners is growing
The tourism structure reform also made the Gesäuse tourism association larger. Since January, Gaishorn, Rottenmann, Lassing and the district capital Liezen have also been part of the Gesäuse tourism association. This has also increased the "radius of action" of the Gesäuse partners. Now three new, innovative businesses enrich the network: Thomas Aigner with the Golf & Landclub Ennstal, Michaela Jauk with the Genusskammerl in Liezen and Kathrin Stock & Thomas Nebl with the B&B Xeis NeSt in Weng.
Knowledge for the Vjosa
The Vjosa is considered Europe's last wild river. The river rises in Greece and flows for 272 km through Albania until it flows into the Adriatic Sea.
An Albanian delegation consisting of the responsible ministry, local actors and NGOs has now visited several Austrian national parks to find out what it would be like if the Vjosa were to be declared a national park. Time is pressing, as only a few months are available to submit a nomination as an international protected area.
The Gesäuse National Park was not only able to impress the group with the autumnal natural spectacle, but also provide tangible tips for future management. Things that go easily here after 20 years are still dreams of the future for the Vjosa. We keep up the exchange and wish our Albanian colleagues much success in protecting their equally magnificent nature!
In the ice
The Winter 2022 issue of the National Park Magazine "Im Gseis" has just been published. It is our anniversary issue - 20 years of the Gesäuse National Park.
The special thing about it: this time there are no photos. All articles were illustrated with drawings, sketches and paintings. Pupils from the Ortwein School in Graz were mainly responsible for this.
The magazine is available free of charge at the information office in Admont and at the information stands of our Gesäuse partners.
To PDF: https://nationalpark-gesaeuse.at/service/downloads/
You can also subscribe to our magazine free of charge. By mail or letter with your name and address:
Karin Lattacher, Gesäuse National Park GmbH, 8913 Weng im Gesäuse 2
📷: Leo Murko
Lettmair Au
As reported, our path system in the Lettmair Au was largely destroyed by a storm. The first stage of restoration is now done. We like giant trees better when they are standing, but when the storm tosses them, that is to be accepted as part of the natural dynamic. The forestry team of Steiermärkische Landesforste has blazed a trail through the wilderness of windthrow, has proceeded very sensitively and has done a quite outstanding job. Great thanks are due to Peter Thaler and Martin Fluch. The path was cleared with the least possible interference in the natural development. Until the reopening, the path surface has to be redone, the jetty still repaired and, above all, a replacement for the "talking beech" has to be created.
High-ranking visitor
The Nature and General Environmental Protection Unit of the Office of the Provincial Government of Styria (A13) visited the National Park. Led by Head of Unit Gerhard Rupp, the group visited the Weidendom Adventure Centre and Gstatterboden.
Last week's heavy storms also left their mark on the Gesäuse National Park. Among other things, the "Lettmair Au" theme trail was severely damaged and is currently not accessible (danger to life from falling branches!).
All current locks:
Road closure: B146 between Gstatterboden and Hieflau
Trail closures: The themed trails "Lettmair Au" as well as "Leierweg" and "Wilder John" are closed until further notice.
We ask for special caution in the grounds. However, a visit to the willow dome and the ecological footprint are possible.
The latest information about the roadblocks is available here under News.
Primeval, natural and commercial forest
Last week, the entire staff of the Bavarian Saalforste and six forestry trainees from North Rhine-Westphalia visited us. Plenty of time to discuss the forest!
The speed of global warming brings huge challenges for the forest. What is certain is that the forests of the future will not resemble those of the past. Who will do better? The forestry industry through active management of tree species (plantations) or nature left to its own devices in national parks and wilderness areas?
6ute 6reasons
Opening of the current exhibition at FOKUS, the gallery of the National Park Photo School
"6ute 6ründe" - this is the name of the exhibition by photographer Rupert Kogler, in which he presents the six domestic national parks in sensitive, intimate portraits and at the same time reveals to visitors his very personal approach to nature photography. He dedicates himself without exception to authentic nature photographs while at the same time paying attention to aesthetic standards. For Rupert Kogler, this also includes the exclusive use of natural light and refraining from any deliberate interference with nature.
"Besides my efforts as a nature educator to raise awareness, my work as a nature photographer also gives me countless unforgettable moments that provide me with a lifelong wealth. Both aspects are undoubtedly only brought to bear with the help of authentic and honest photographs. My concern is to show what wonders can be waiting outside and what is currently more at stake than ever!" says Rupert Kogler, whose pictures can be seen at the FOKUS Gallery in Admont until 20 August.
"6ute 6ründe" - 11 July - 20 August 2022 with free admission at the FOKUS Gallery
8911 Admont, Hauptstraße 32
Monday to Friday continuously from 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00
20 Years of the National Park in Gold
In honour of the 20th anniversary of the Gesäuse National Park, the Austrian Mint has issued a gold coin. Entitled "Am wilden Wasser", the collector's coin was minted in the series "Naturschatz Alpen". On the value side is the ornamental feathered carnation, on the other side the entrance to the Gesäuse.
Illustration from "The Mint
Saving the grayling
Grayling are a leading fish species in the Enns in the Gesäuse. In general, things are bad for the fish in the Enns, as in many other waters. River straightening, power plants, incorrect fisheries management and natural enemies: the melange of these factors is deadly.
A delegation from the Gesäuse studied how fishing can make a positive contribution to the Ybbs. Stefan Guttmann from the association "Save the Ybbs Grayling" (www.ybbs-aesche.at) has shown which stocking measures have succeeded in rebuilding a self-regenerating grayling stock in the lower reaches of the Ybbs. The most important biological success factor: the fish must be genetically suitable and grow up in the water from an early age! The most important organisational success factor: cooperation of the fishing rights holders along the course of the river!
The Gstatterboden-Gesäuse Fishing Association, the Styrian Fisheries Association, the Styrian Provincial Forests and the Gesäuse National Park were all involved.
Ö1 Club Exclusive
The "Ö1 Club Exklusiv" introduced a small, interested group of Ö1 members to the secrets of orchids. From orchid to fly agaric, many species were marvelled at and the current status of protection, monitoring and research was discussed. Most of the participants travelled by environmentally friendly train. Excellent weather and high spirits made the five-hour hike an experience for the whole group.
Work on the parking concept is progressing
Flood-proof car parks are being built in the rear Johnsbachtal. At the Gschaidegger car park, the first two parking levels are already visible.
New National Park Book presented
In keeping with the anniversary year of the National Park, there was a book launch on 9 June 2022 in the new Fokus Gallery (National Park Photo School) in Admont.
On the occasion of 20 years of the Gesäuse National Park, nature photographer Herfried Marek has published a beautiful book about the Gesäuse National Park. The book focuses on his photos of landscape, plants and animals, complemented by shots of the night sky by Andreas Hollinger.
The Nature Conservation and Research Department of the Gesäuse National Park contributed species determinations and texts.
The book is available at the Admont Tourist Office, at the Wallig bookshop in Admont and in our webshop. 20 Years Gesäuse National Park - Herfried Marek (nationalpark-gesaeuse.at)
14th Annual Meeting of the Mountaineering Villages in Johnsbach im Gesäuse
From 20 to 22 May, more than 100 representatives from the 36 mountaineering villages met in Johnsbach for the annual exchange. People from tourism, nature conservation and politics discussed the topic "Nature conservation and tourism in harmony" for three days. At the same time, the 20th anniversary of the Gesäuse National Park was celebrated.
Mayors, innkeepers, farmers as well as tourism representatives of the 36 mountaineering villages met last weekend in Johnsbach in the Gesäuse. After the welcome by Liliana Dagostin (Head of the Department of Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation, Alpine Club Austria), the annual meeting opened on Friday morning with a discussion round. Speakers on the topic of "20 years of Gesäuse National Park and Protocols of the Alpine Convention in Austria" were Alenka Smerkolj, Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, Ministerial Councillor Ewald Galle from the Ministry of Climate Protection, Ursula Lackner, Provincial Councillor for Styria, and Herbert Wölger, Director of the National Park. Many of the speakers emphasised the importance of the mountaineering villages and the importance of combining environmental protection and tourism. "We have to learn to deal with nature. Man is part of nature," remarked Provincial Councillor Lackner, for example. Ministerial Councillor Galle emphasised the goal of "reconciling environmental compatibility and tourism".
Change of chairperson in the umbrella organisation National Parks Austria
Austria's national parks protect outstanding natural landscapes between the Großglockner and Lake Neusiedl. The joint activities are coordinated by the association Nationalparks Austria. Peter Rupitsch, long-time chairman of the association, is now retiring and will be appointed honorary member. Christian Übl, Director of the National Park Thayatal, will follow in his footsteps.
Action day "Lead-free hunting
On 30 April 2022, the Admont-St. Gallen branch of the Styrian Hunting Protection Association invited to a control shooting at the Erzherzog Johann shooting range in St. Gallen. In cooperation with the Gesäuse National Park, lead-free ammunition could be tested free of charge. Gunsmith Harald Pichler provided practical assistance. More than 50% of the participants were convinced of the hitting quality of the lead-free ammunition and shot their weapons with it. We are convinced that the new ammunition will also prove to be suitable for further use. Thus, another small step has been taken to reduce lead pollution of the environment in the vicinity of the National Park.
You can find more information in the Fact Sheet Lead Free Ammunition.
Gesäuse shared taxi
The Gesäuse shared taxi is back!
The shared taxi is on the road again in the Gesäuse region with the following operating times:
July, August, September: all weekdays 08:00-20:00
May, June, October: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 08:00-20:00
In the service area Admont, Ardning, Landl, St. Gallen
Price per person and ride: 9,50.-
Minimum occupancy 2 persons! If there is only 1 passenger, 2 tickets must be purchased.
Price valid up to 25 km distance - for additional kilometres the taxi fare will be charged.
Tel. no. for ordering: 03613-21000-9
The new Gseis is here!
The new National Park magazine "IM GSEIS" is now available for download on our website. Subscribers can look forward to receiving the print edition by post in the coming days. You would also like to subscribe to the magazine free of charge? With pleasure! Simply send an email to Karin Lattacher with the subject "IN THE GSEIS". Enjoy reading!
Forests of the future
This time we are not bringing news from the National Park, but from the Forestry Directorate of the Province of Styria. They have published an extremely remarkable tool called "Dynamic Forest Typing". With this tool it is possible to estimate for the whole of Styria which trees and tree communities will be suitable in the future due to the expected climate.
The pairs of pictures show the suitability of Upper Styria for pedunculate oak and spruce, respectively, currently and for approx. 2085. Meaning of the colours: the greener, the more suitable. The problem lies in the speed of climate change. In a time span in which trees - from a forestry point of view - have only completed half of their rotation period, the general conditions are changing massively. Many spruces that germinate today will not be doing well in 60 years. Conversely, it is difficult to plant English oaks today under suboptimal conditions, although they would do very well in 60 years.
For forestry, this is a difficult question to solve. And for the forest wilderness in the national park? There, too, change is happening too quickly, but the adaptive and healing powers of nature have priority and it will become clear how the forest itself - without our influence - will develop. It has what it takes, as it has proven for many millions of years.
Information and tool can be found via this link: www.waldtypisierung.steiermark.at
National Park Oldie on Tik Tok
Public institutions - such as the internationally recognised Gesaeuse National Park - try to present themselves as seriously and scientifically as possible in their public relations work. National Park veteran Andreas Hollinger is trying a more humorous approach for "his" Gesaeuse Park. On the social media platform Tik Tok, which primarily attracts a younger audience, Hollinger excitedly wriggles out from behind bushes, asks questions like "Have you ever thought about why the Gesäuse is called the Gesäuse?", or briefly and succinctly explains connections.
The short videos always end with the self-deprecating question "Interesting, then stay tuned - wia da Ennstola sogt".
It remains to be seen how viewers of the platform rate the hustle and bustle of the national park oldie: interesting or too fidgety?
Here go to the videos!
Teachers learn in the National Park
How can future teachers teach children and young people about nature and biodiversity? Students of the Styrian University of Teacher Education with Prof. Dr. Matthias Kowasch organised an exercise on this topic in Gstatterboden. To start with, ranger Markus Blank described the basics of "interpretation". Sensitised accordingly, they then went into the field. Fittingly, the group was at the mercy of nature's whims, trudging through knee-high snow and having to adapt the prepared programme to the unexpectedly harsh conditions. But flexibility and adaptability are not a bad basis for the quality practice of the teaching profession.
Exchange Round Starry Sky
People in many regions are becoming more and more aware of the dark night sky. Tourists see economic opportunities, doctors see health benefits and for us conservationists, a dark starry sky is simply part of an intact habitat.
Protected area managers from Upper and Lower Austria, Salzburg and Styria exchanged views with German colleagues. The conclusion: they do not see each other as competitors, but would like to work together more internationally in the future...
Passion for nature photography
"Nothing touches us like the untouched". With the new 2022 course programme of the National Park Photo School, course participants can expect not only truly untouched nature in the Gesäuse National Park, but also a great deal of passion for nature and landscape photography.
Wild water & steep rock, ancient forests, the splendour of orchids, the courtship display of black grouses or the darkest starry sky in Austria... Fantastic motifs - as well as the guidance of certified professionals - are just some of the basic conditions in the encounter between photography and nature in the Gesäuse National Park.
The current course overview and registration options can be found at here!
We look forward to your participation & wish you "Gut' Licht"!