Admont-Gesäuse car park network
Der Vorverkauf für 2025 hat bereits begonnen!
Seit 01.01.2023 wird ein Großteil der Parkplätze im Nationalpark Gesäuse, in Johnsbach, auf der Buchau und in der Mühlau bewirtschaftet.
Gesäuse National Park, Styrian State Forests, Admont Abbey, the municipality of Admont and the Gesäuse Tourist Association have founded the “Parkverbund Admont-Gesäuse” (Admont – Gesäuse car park network) and created a uniform system.
The daily parking fee is € 6,-.
Card payment and payment via EasyPark possible, cash payment with coins only!
General Annual Pass:
Price: € 80,-
VORVERKAUF: € 40,- (ab sofort bis Ende Dez 2024)
Gültigkeit: 01.01.2025 – 31.12. 2025, alle Parkplätze im Verbund
Issue: Infobüro Admont, available all year round, dispatch possible
For whom: All
Citizens with their main residence in Admont, Ardning, St. Gallen or Landl can obtain annual passes at their respective municipal offices.
We provide a well-organised and easy-to-use network of car parks that act as gateways to experiencing nature.
Into maintaining and improving car parks. € 1 from every parking ticket bought goes to alpine clubs for maintaining trails.
from ticket machines in car parks. Payment in cash or by card
- in car parks managed by „Parkverbund Admont - Gesäuse“ (Admont-Gesäuse car park network)
- from time of purchase until midnight that day
- at P33 – Lahnalm and P34 - Mühlau there are temporary shortened parking times
buy a ticket for the corresponding number of calendar days
- disabled parking badge holders
- motorbikes, scooters, mopeds and bikes
- disabled parking badge holders vehicles < 3,5t
- motorbikes, scooters, mopeds and bikes
parking free of charge at P4 – Weidendom
Exclusively at campgrounds, motorhome overnight-stopovers and private car parks