The WegenerNet Data Portal clearly displays station data in the Gesäuse National Park.
climate data
current weather
Latest update 15.01.2025 – 12:00
-5.1 °C
75 cm
5.4 km/h
Altitude 1788m
Weather Gscheidegg
current weather
Latest update 15.01.2025 – 08:00
-3.6 °C
Altitude 1189m
weather Hochscheiben
current weather
Latest update 15.01.2025 – 12:00
Wilow Dome
-1.1 °C
0 mm
0.36 km/h
Altitude 590m
weather wilow dome
Further climate data
Here you can find more information about climate and weather data from the Gesäuse!
On LAWIS you will find a wealth of information on weather and climate stations, snow depths and profiles, and avalanche events throughout Europe.
DEIMS-SDR (Dynamic Ecological Information Management System - Site and dataset registry) is a global information platform for long-term climate and weather data.
Climate data from the Gesäuse National Park are used in the PHENIPS project to estimate bark beetle development on a daily basis.
Stars806 - Grafana is an installed sensor at our climate station at the Weidendom and measures the darkness of the night sky in the Gesäuse.
Ein weiteres Helligkeitsmessgerät befindet sich auf der Kölblalm.