Gregor Seberg, the lynx and his trail
"Lynx Trail": with this emotional name, a project in the border triangle of Upper Austria, Styria and Lower Austria is hiking on quiet but successful paws.
Gregor Seberg went to see for himself: the Kalkalpen and Gesäuse National Parks, together with the Dürrenstein-Lassingtal Wilderness Area, form the "wild centre of Austria". The lynx project in the Kalkalpen National Park ensures that a small population of these shy and largest cats in Europe roam the area. But the "wild centre" also has a downside: for the local population, the value-added opportunities are not exhilarating.
In 2019, the three nature reserves have therefore joined forces with their tourism associations to form the ARGE Luchs Trail in order to do good for both sides of the coin with a long-distance hiking trail. The aim is to contribute to securing the lynx population and at the same time create added value.
Bookable long distance hike
The Lynx Trail lives from its "story", the barely visible and therefore mysterious lynxes. Professional management gives it tourist weight. The Trail Angels are a travel agency specialising in "fair" long-distance trails. "We are dedicated to nothing less than travelling for a better world," says Günter Mussnig, former employee of the Hohetauern National Park and now managing director of Trail Angels. His agency offers carefree trips along the Lynx Trail, takes care of accommodation reservations (not easy when Frau sleeps somewhere else every day) and even tries to provide luggage service. Woman? Yes, that's right. The bookings show that more women than men tackle the strenuous stages. Mostly 6 of the 11 stages are booked, which generates overnight stays even on weekdays. Among the Trail Angels, the Lynx Trail is now one of the products most in demand. Many also organise their hike themselves and Günter Mussnig estimates that a total seasonal added value of € 300,000 is created in the region.
But how are the lynxes doing?
The lynxes, however, need more people to take an interest in them. The small population of six animals is fighting for its survival. "Without acceptance for further population support, their future does not look rosy," says Christian Fuxjäger, project manager at the Kalkalpen National Park.
The Lynx Trail in "Land of the Mountains
To create acceptance, the ORF was on site. On 21 April, "Österreichs wilde Mitte - Am Luchs-Trail mit Gregor Seberg" will be shown on ORF III. A "land of mountains" in search of peace, nature and the lynx. Gregor Seberg also learns about the importance of the forest for animals and people - and how important it is to protect this habitat.
Enquiry notice:
Andreas Hollinger, Tel: 0664-82 52 305
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Hikers on the Lynx Trail © ARGE Luchs Trail, Max Mauthner

Hikers on the Lynx Trail © ARGE Luchs Trail, Max Mauthner