Do research - experience research - make research accessible. This is one of the most important goals of the Gesäuse National Park. But our research and educational mission is also enshrined in law. So that people can get a picture of the research and its results from the Gesäuse and its extraordinary biodiversity, a new volume from our publication series is published regularly. Each volume can be purchased at the National Park Info Office in Admont or in selected bookstores. In addition, you can now also order the series of publications from here online in our shop!
Volume 16: (Dis)order in Nature
Dynamics is the basis for diverse life - mudflows, avalanches, storms, floods and fire contribute to high biodiversity. Do we expose ourselves to uncontrollable danger if we stop trying to control the landscape around us? Or do we ensure our own survival if we change our perspective and perceive ourselves as part of nature? In the first part of the book, the National Park core theme of "wilderness" is examined in more detail with the help of many top-class contributions.
Part 2 presents the results of the 12th GEO Biodiversity Day held in 2017, which took us to the highest of the Gesäuse mountains - the Hochtor. Former alpine pastures, alpine vegetation and the 800 m² Planspitzsee were put under the microscope by the researchers. The numerous zoological and botanical features are vividly documented here.
You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our Online shop.
Landscape in Change
The landscape history of the region in and around Gesäuse National Park is illustrated in this publication. From the first records and maps to the foundation of Gesäuse National Park in 2002, this extensive work deals with the colonialization of the area, the development of agriculture, forestry and infrastructure and the change of fluvial topography. The book is available at the information office in Admont. Get yourself a look at it here through!
Volume 15: Quellen – Forschung 2012-2017
Divided into two parts this publication summarizes the results of spring research in the Gesäuse National Park between 2012 and 2017. Prior findings in this habitat are documented in volume 7 of our series of publications.
The second part of volume 15 is about the 11th GEO-Day of Biodiversity which was held in 2013 in the Gofer area on the northern walls of Reichenstein range. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 14: Schmetterlinge im Nationalpark Gesäuse
Heinz Habeler, the most famous butterfly researcher in Styria, has been studying moths of all kinds since his youth. In this publication he reports on the methodology of collecting, the systematics of data collection, writes about the nature of the habitats in the Gesäuse National Park and presents his research results in extensive statistics and species portraits.
The publication "Schmetterlinge im Nationalpark Gesäuse" is both, a tribute to a friend and valued colleague, who died at the beginning of 2017, and the legacy of a profound lepidopterist. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 13: Natura 2000
The first section of this volume deals with the broad spectrum of conservation areas, reports on experiences in the management of protected areas and comes to the gratifying conclusion that Natura 2000 and Gesäuse National Park harmonise perfectly . The later part of the publication depicts the findings of the 11th GEO-Day of Biodiversity which was held in 2015 in Hartelsgraben trench and is dedicated to its ambitious biologists. Hartelsgraben is a humid, wild and romantic gorge which is of great interest for both zoological and botanical field research. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 12: Forest
The 12th volume of our series of publications is dedicated to forests. Issues such as nature conservation and forestry as well as research in Gesäuse and Berchtesgaden National Park are covered.
Also included are reports of 14 biologists who participated in the 10th GEO-Day of Biodiversity in 2014 in the Gesäuse National Park, which took place in “Hinterwinkel”, a particularly remote valley of the nature reserve. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 11: Soko Haindlkar
In Haindlkar cirque, which stretches from the Enns river to the north faces of the Hochtor range, a remarkable diversity of species was “detected” by the "SOKO HAINDLKAR" on GEO-Day of Biodiversity 2013. Young people literally threw themselves into the adventure of research: interesting facts about national park research were imparted, the Gesäuse wilderness was experienced in ranger camps and the future junior rangers from the national park schools were accompanied in the field. Read more in volume 11 of our series of publications. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 10: Enns & Moor
Enns river is a source of life to which the wide Ennstal valley owes its name and majestic scenery. The valley itself is, despite earlier river regulation and drainage measures, a habitat for many endangered animals and plant species which find refuge in numerous wetlands and moors. The Pürgschachen Moor is a raised bog which is internationally renowned and still largely intact from an ecological perspective. The publication focuses on the aforementioned moor and the Enns river in addition to the findings of the GEO-Day of Biodiversity 2012. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 9: Erste Dekade
This volume was published on occasion of the 10-year anniversary of Gesäuse National Park. The conversation area was founded in 2002 and is Austria’s youngest national park. This publication is dedicated to its rare and endangered flora and fauna, special habitats and their discoverers. Additionally questions about climate change, a topic which internationally accepted conservation areas have to face from a scientific perspective, are tackled. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 8: Alpine Räume
The investigation area between Gstatterboden (577 m) and the prominent elevation of the Großer Buchstein mountain (2,224 m) is by no means just a barren, hostile environment. It is a habitat which is rich in biodiversity, both floral and faunal. The first part of the volume provides insights into botanical mapping projects and historical aspects of "alpine pasture management" and "drift line construction" as well as interesting facts about the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegate).
The second section presents the findings of the GEO-Day of Biodiversity around Buchsteinhaus lodge, is dedicated to the European Year of Volunteering 2011 and honours the biologists who support the research in National Park Gesäuse with scientific know-how. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 7: Quellen
Since 2003 the springs in Gesäuse National Park have been the focus of several research projects. Every year between 2007 and 2010 internationally renowned specialists were invited to scientifically analyse the 642 bodies of water.
Among the 1.050 plant and animal species recorded are 116 initial discoveries in Austria - proof for the importance of biotopes for the regional biodiversity. More recent research results of springs are published in Volume 15: “Quellen 2012-2017". You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 6: Vielfalt Lawine
Avalanches are usually associated with catastrophes, but avalanche corridors - such as the one in Kalktal valley near Hieflau - are indispensable habitats for the most diverse flora and fauna. The publication “Vielfalt Lawine” presents findings of geo- and bio-ecological research in one of the most fascinating areas of the Gesäuse National Park. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 5: In höheren Lagen
The area around the Hesshütte lodge is one of the zones with the densest biodiversity in Gesäuse National Park. While the second part of the publication presents the findings of the GEO-Day of Biodiversity 2009 which was held there, the first section is dedicated to marmots and alpine ptarmigans as well as plants and their biogeographic way to the top.
The results of the GEO Day of Biodiversity are also exciting and invites you to a botanical search into the past. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 4: Tamischbachturm
From the Ennstaler Hütte to the airy heights of the panoramic summit:
Divided into two parts, this volume provides an insight into the fascinating biodiversity of Tamischbachturm, one of the most beautiful panoramic mountains of the Gesäuse. The first part analyses the snow conditions of the Ennstal Alps and the Legbuchen forest near Hieflau in addition to a habitat analysis of avalanche channels and species of orchids and butterflies.
The second part describes the findings of the GEO-Day of Biodoversity 2008. The aim of this, in 1999 initiated, event is to find and document as many animal and plant species in a certain area within 24 hours as possible.
The findings include fungi, lichens, mosses and higher plants in addition to spiders, harvestmen, ants, bugs and cicadas, butterflies, moths, reptiles, amphibians and birds. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 3: Der Johnsbach
Volume three of our series of publications focuses on the Johnsbach creek and is divided into two parts. The first part is about the history of the small river, including regulation and deregulation, and deals with aspects of geology, geomorphology and the general water structure in addition to biotope mappings of the common piper and the Eurasian otter.
Part 2 - "The GEO Day in the Johnsbach Valley" - is dedicated to the particularly high biodiversity - deals with lichens and mosses, spring organisms and spiders, dragonflies, grasshoppers and cicadas, with bugs, ground beetles and ants, with moths, mammals and feathered creatures along the Johnsbach, where, for example, 100 butterfly species were discovered in one day at Langgries. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 2: Artenreich Gesäuse
Species Rich Gesäuse reminds us of the richness of nature. In June 2006, the first GEO Biodiversity Day took place in the Gesaeuse National Park on the Kölblalm. Of the nearly 700 species found, the "highlights" are presented in more detail in words and pictures. The range of diversity spans from the type lichen and the goblin moss to the giant black woodpecker and the spotted woodpecker. In the second part we explore the plant kingdom above the timberline in the Gesäuse. We get an insight into the peculiarities of the bird world and its exploration by the Gesäuse National Park. Finally we discover a worldwide newly described stonefly species from the Gesäuse and a very rare hawkweed on the Sulzkaralm. You have more interest in the research volume? Browse through our online store, there you can order selected copies online! Online shop.
Volume 1: Gesäusewälder
For four hundred years the forests of the Gesäuse have been exploited as wood was an important resource for the coal and steel industry. Even areas of the region which were almost inaccessible such as trenches and steep slopes were used for lumbering. Wood was a field of tension, leading to conflicts between landlords, the mining industry, hammer mills and alpine farmers.
The historian Josef Hasitschka links forestry history to other disciplines such as the history of alpine pastures and administration as well as ecology and research projects in Gesäuse National Park.
The volume is out of print, but is available here for free as download!