In an international competition to document biodiversity, a Citizen Scientist in the Gesaeuse National Park comes across an unusual primeval forest relict species, the "large edge beetle".
In the "City Nature Challenge", nature enthusiasts around the world set out once a year to document animals and plants in their region and thus make a contribution to biodiversity research. Participation is easy by reporting photographed species with a mobile phone app or via computer. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and human users, the species are identified from the photos and entered into a scientific database for worldwide use.
The Gesäuse National Park Region is also taking part in this competition for the second time. In 2023, the "large edge beetle" is accidentally photographed by a visitor. The species lives hidden in decaying spruce trunks and eats mushroom threads there. "The large edge beetle is only found in forests similar to primeval forests and thus confirms the nature conservation value of the Gesäuse National Park once again," says Alexander Maringer, Head of Research in the only Styrian National Park.
This year, 482 cities and regions took part in the worldwide "City Nature Challenge". In just four days (from 28 April to 1 May), lay scientists - mostly using mobile phones - made 1.87 million observations and documented well over 57,000 different species.
Anyone can take part in the campaign without any prior knowledge. The national park region will take part in the competition again next year.
Enquiry notice:
Alexander Maringer, Tel: 0664-82 52 314,
Copyright: © Hannes Oberreiter, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)