Latest update: 2023-07-25
Please respect that the Gesaeuse National Park is a natural area with a high protection status as well as a place for recreation. Please refrain from flying over the park! This helps to protect wildlife and to ensure an unimpaired nature experience for our visitors.
No-fly zones by law
It is prohibited for all kinds of aircrafts and aviation year-round to fly over established zones declared by the federal law. "Declaration of the area 'Ennstaler Alpen/Gesäuse' (AT 2210000) as European Protected Area No. 17 (LGBl. Nr. 132/2006 i.d.g.F. §2b)".

Current news about Golden Eagle and Peregrine Falcon
These rock breeding birds are protected by nature conservation laws and monitored thoroughly by the National Park. To protect its nests we may establish temporary no-fly zones. To keep the disturbance on a low level a horizontal perimeter of 1,000 m from the nest must be obtained. The coordinates will be published here.
Transport Helicopter Flights
Helicopter flights to maintain infrastructure or to service alpine huts are restricted by law and need prior approval by the National Parks' administration (+43 3613-21000)
Drones and Aircrafts
For a drone and all kinds of aviation (paragliders etc.) are not permitted to take off or land within the area of the National Park. (see German factsheet 23).